From the lofts of:
Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, Gommaire Verbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and many top Janssen lines.
Piet Lazeroms-Arden, Jan Ernest-Aarden, Hugo Batenburg-Aarden, Gommaire Verbruggen, Frans Van Roey, Piet Van De Merwe, Flor Engels and Sons, C. D.W. V. Oostenbrugge, Joop Groenen, W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, Louis Vanloon, Marc Pollin, and many top Janssen lines.
The International Breeding Station is located in Sacramento California USA.The owner of the International Breeding Station is Dorel Borlovan. Dorel has spent the last several years building relationships with many ofthe best lofts in Europe. He has been willing to spend the time and money to acquire the finest collection of pigeons in the world today.
The birds at the to the International Breeding Station represent the best available sprint birds, the best middle distance birds, and the best of longdistance birds available anywhere. Dorel brought the entire loft of Piet Lazeroms over 280 pigeons. Piet was recognized as having the best and purest Jan Aardens in the world.Not one bird was left behind. On Piet Lazeroms direction he bought three full rounds from the best of Jan Ernest over 200 pigeons. Jan Ernest and Piet Lazeroms both agreed that the cross between their two inbred families of pure Jan Aardens could produced a better Jan Aarden.
Dorel has also purchased a complete round from the best of Hugo Batenburg an amazing long distance champion that all of Europeis raving about. The name Gommaire Verbruggen is synonymous with excellence. It has been said that Gommaire Verbruggen is the face of pigeon racing in Belgium. Dorel's middle distance collection includes the best from Gommaire Berbruggen and Frans Van Roey. Frans Van Roey owned the Godfather from Verbruggen's Golden pair, a full brother of Verbruggen's Kletskop. Gommaire Verbruggen has created many outstanding breeders of winners forhimself and others.
Dorel has spared no expense in acquiring the best of Gommaire Verbruggen's and Frans Van Roey's pigeons. From Gommaire Verbruggen Dorel purchased brothers and sisters to the birds Gommaire Verbruggen put into stock for himself. At Frans Van Roey's total sale Dorel Borlovan purchased sons and daughters and grandchildren from the Godfather to go with his very fine collect of Verbruggen's direct from Gommaire Verbruggen's best birds.
Dorel Borlovan purchased a complete round from the best of Piet Van De Merwe. Said my most to be the most outstanding fancier in Europe today. Piet is the father-in law to Hugo Batenburg. Dorel praised these two men, as not only the best in Europe in their areas of specialization Dorel said these two menwere men of refreshing integrity.
Dorel looks forward to the years that lieahead in his relationship with these two friends. From the birds of Flor Engels and Sons Dorel purchased one Son and 15 grandchildren of their super breeder the 231. (31)
Dorel's International Breeding Station bought two complete round from the best of Marc Pollin. Marc is one of the best all around flyer in Belgium was a great addition to the International Breeding Station. Marc flies his family of birds 100-600 miles. Dorel purchased two full rounds from the best of Marc Pollin. Marc flies in West Flander where the competition is very stiff in the last 15 years Marc Pollin has never been out of the top 5 loftsin Flanders. Dorel Borlovan bought the entire loft of C.D.W.V Oostenbrugge's speed birds to get his golden pair, a pair of birds that was quickly becoming famous for breeding sprint champions and breeders of sprint champions. Dorel has also acquired complete rounds of the best from several of the top speed lofts of Europe. These lofts include W. Klaverstijn, Comb Bleeker, and Joop Groenen.
The International Breeding Station houses the greatest collect of racing pigeons ever assembled in the history of our sport. Dorel accomplished this with a commitment to acquiring the best and the integrity to form strong and lasting relations with Europe's finest fanciers.
Dorel continues to be willing to spend his time and money to improve on the amazing collection he has already put together. Dorel does not sell any of the imported pigeons as they were purchased for his own breeding loft. However, a few 2007 youngster are available from the best of his families of birds.
Contact Dorel for more information.
Phone: Dorel Borlovan Owner 1- 916-388-1559
Visit our Website:
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